Inside The Lodge
All the information on our meetings and events from inside the Lodge & the Temple.
October 2023
Past Masters Evening - 3rd Degree Ceremony
Left to right
W.Bro. Gary B., Bro. Jamie K.,
W.Bro Marc G. (current Worshipful Master)
& W.Bro. Jeff B. (Master Elect for 2023/24)
Tuesday 10th October 2023 saw the start of the Masonic Season for our Lodge.
The first ceremony of the year was the "Raising" of Bro. Jamie K. (3nd degree ceremony). The ceremony was presided over by W.Bro. David H. and other "Past Masters" of the Lodge and was followed by a three course supper in the dining room of the Lodge. During the evening the members were balloted and the Worshipful Master for the coming Centenary Year was elected. W.Bro. Jeff B. will be installed at next month's meeting on 14th November 2023.
November 2023
Installation Ceremony
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